
I believe success results from high intention, intense efforts, ethics, and intelligent execution; and choice, not chance, determines individuals destiny. Beatriz’s successful journey is a result of all these qualities she possesses. In addition, by building trustful relationships through her outstanding interpersonal skills, goodwill, and confidence, Beatriz can create an unimaginable competitive advantage for any business she gets involved with.”

Francisco de Queiroz Maia Junior

Francisco de Queiroz Maia Junior

Former Secretary of Infrastructure, Planning, Management of the State of Ceará, Brazil

There is no success in partnerships or business ventures without trust as the foundation of these relationships, this belief being anchored in authenticity, in empathy directed to the client/partner and in the quality and ability to communicate decisions or opinions. This is one of the main virtues that I have been able to see in Beatriz Canamary throughout the projects we worked on together, her ability to establish sincere bonds of trust, in addition to an admirable ability to organize and execute deliverables.”

André macedo Facó

André macedo Facó

CEO Ambiental Ceará; Supervisory Board Member COPASA

Beatriz belongs to a rare breed of executives/ consultants who masterfully associate a solid conceptual/ academic background with the pragmatism of an authentic go-getter. Her experience and business acumen will certainly benefit any organization, mostly but not exclusively in issues related to PPPs and international partnerships.”

Henrique Correa

Henrique Correa

PhD - Steinmetz Chair of Management & Professor of Operations Management